xlivvielockex Aug 22, 2010 22:45
meme: 30 days of tv, 2010, quiz/meme/survey/etc, tv: six feet under, tv: ugly betty, tv: sopranos, tv: pushing daisies, tv: friends, tv: nip/tuck, tv: seinfeld
xlivvielockex Jun 12, 2010 20:11
meme: 30 days of tv, tv: ats, 2010, quiz/meme/survey/etc, tv: profit, tv: ab-fab, tv: x-files, tv: simpsons, tv: friends, tv: seinfeld, tv: popular
xlivvielockex Jun 09, 2010 11:32
meme: 30 days of tv, tv: friends, 2010, quiz/meme/survey/etc
xlivvielockex Nov 30, 2007 14:58
tv: ats, tv: that 70s show, char: btvs: scoobies, char: ats: angel(us), tv: friends, celebs: charisma carpenter, pair: btvs: buffy/spike, char: ats: drusilla, celebs: james marsters, celebs: smg, char: ats: wes, tv: firefly, char: ats: gunn, celebs: models, tv: port charles, char: btvs: faith, tv: crossover, pair: btvs: spike/dru, tv, char: minor, char: firefly: girls, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us), author: kelly, char: btvs: buffy, tv: veronica mars, 2007, graphics: icons, char: btvs: giles, pair: btvs: willow/tara, char: ats: fred(illyria), char: btvs: willow, char: ats: darla, char: ats: cordelia, char: btvs: spike, celebs, char: btvs: dawn, char: btvs: xander, pair: house: huddy, pair: ats: darla/angel(us), rated: pg13, char: btvs: oz, char: btvs: tara, tv: doctor who, char: ats: fang gang, rated: r, char: btvs: andrew, beauty, char: ats: lindsey, site: still grrr, char: vm: weevil, tv: btvs, char: ats: lorne
xlivvielockex Sep 13, 2007 18:05
author: kelly, tv: friends, requests: birthday, 2007, graphics: icons